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The idea of a restaurant serving God, in a small town seemed far fetched, but many signs and miracles kept occurring, encouraging us to trust in what the Lord was saying and to move forward with what he had asked. We hope you will come to see what he designed and help us in spreading his word!! 


The holy spirit asked that a restaurant be built that would bring attention and glory to God. The spirit said, “There are many good people in the world but they are not coming to my churches. People are so busy with work, schedules, children that they don’t have time for Me, but they go out to eat because of that busyness. I will show you things to do there that will draw people back to me. “ The spirit gave direction as to how this would be accomplished. Direction to people that would help in various ways—people who would volunteer to work there, cook there, pray for us, donate monies to help build it. 


We are to have “ministries” that are offered to the public. These ministries are to funded by the profit of the restaurant. Things such as “Honor Meals.” This is where we invite groups of volunteers in and “honor” them with a free meal. Saying “thank-you” for giving of their time by helping their fellow man, drawing attention to volunteerism. We are to have a Sewing Ministry for babies. We will be sewing baby blankets, baby bonnets and caps that will have a “Christ Covered Child” logo on them. These items will be given to newborn babies and their parents to encourage young parents to “cover their child from head to toe” in Christ, thereby safeguarding them from the dangers that are present in our current world. Exercise classes. Exercise that will be done with Scripture and Christian music. Bible studies for the beginner, intermediate and advanced. Learning God’s word and drawing us closer to him through his word. Tutoring classes for children. Many of the families of children who need tutoring cannot afford it, or the time the tutoring is available does not fit their schedule. As this ministry is free, all can partake of it, also we will be able to offer times that are convenient to the parents’ schedule. These are a few of the ministries that will be offered. These will be available when we open. More ministries will be added as time goes on. 


Come in to see it and hear about it—go out spreading his love and word and doing good!


There have been countless signs and miracles, both large and small, that have made Do Good Restuarant and Ministry what it is. Here are a few brief stories of God’s amazing work! 

Asking for a Sign

The first sign Karen was given by the Holy Spirit was a photo. As Karen was driving home one day the Spirit said it was time to purchase the property He had indicated would be the home of Do Good. Karen told the Spirit He had to give her a sign, so she would know this was truly from Him. As she drove to the property the Holy Spirit said she was to ask to see a photo of the old Osgood State Bank. After talking to the owners of the establishment Karen asked if they had a picture of the old Osgood State Bank. The one owner said “no,” but his wife, the other owner said, “Yes we do. Someone dropped a photo off a while back.” So Karen asked to see the photo. As she looked at the photo of the old building she saw three children in the photo, and she was one of the three children. Karen knew this was her sign.


Confirmed by the Spirit

The night before papers were to be signed for ownership, Karen awoke during the night and was filled with anxiousness and fear of what she was about to do. The fear was so strong that it felt like a panic attack coupled with an anxiety attack. Karen said she thought, “God wouldn’t scare me like this. He would just tell me not to do it.” So Karen thought perhaps it was the devil trying to scare her. Karen started to say “Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in You,” about three our four times, and the feeling of fear and anxiety disappeared. Karen then told the Holy Spirit that she wanted to do God’s will but she needed to be sure this was God’s will. She had just read a book called “My Gospel” by a local man who was now about 70 years of age and had heard the Holy Spirit for many years, and in his book the man said we could ask for a sign if we really needed to know if something was from God—that God wasn’t offended by this. The gentleman also said you should make it a specific sign so there would be no doubt of the sign. Karen then told the Holy Spirit that this is what she was going to do. She said if this sign then happens, I promise I will do as you ask. Karen thought this to herself and did not speak it out loud as the book said the devil could her us but not read our mind. Karen told the Spirit that she was meeting an individual the next morning, and that this person knew about all what the Spirit had asked her to do. This person had indicated they would donate several thousand dollars, would volunteer there one day a week, and would be praying for Karen and Do Good. So Karen told the Spirit that she wanted this person to spontaneously give her $10,000.00 the next morning. Karen didn’t care if 100 people gave her $10,000.00 this sign would only count if this particular person gave the money. Karen also told the Spirit that she wanted this person to give her the money before noon as Karen was signing papers in the afternoon. The next morning Karen and this person met and during the conversation the person handed Karen an envelope and said this was their donation. But as she said it, the person told Karen it was more than what they had first indicated because as she was writing out the check, she felt that God wanted her family to give more and so they did. Karen was going to open the envelope but the person asked her not to, so Karen thanked her for whatever it was, and then they went on with their conversation. As Karen was driving home she opened the envelope and saw a check for $10,000.00. Karen looked at her car counsel and saw that it wasn’t quite noon. Karen was amazed at this occurrance and then promised the Holy Spirit that she would do what He was asking.


Amazed by Gods Glory

The Holy Spirit told Karen to trust Him for what she would need. Karen was particularly concerned with the financial aspect of this endeavor. During the middle of the construction a large payment was due. Karen had asked the Holy Spirit how she was to handle this payment because she didn’t have the needed money. The Holy Spirit said she was to trust Him and He would provide for her. The bill for the payment came in the mail and Karen was to pay her contractor $360,000.00 by the end of the month. She didn’t have any of the needed money. She prayed and prayed asking for guidance, but the Holy Spirit only continued to say she had to trust Him. During Sunday mass, six days before the payment was due, the Holy Spirit told Karen she was to wait two more days and then she would be amazed by God’s glory. Karen cried at mass when she heard this, but said she would try to wait two more days. During morning prayers on the second day, the Holy Spirit said the name of a couple and said Karen was to talk to them because they would now help her. Karen told the Spirit that if she saw one of them at the morning mass she would approach them. She asked this as a confirmation that she was to speak to them—they were not from Karen’s parish nor from her cluster although she has seen them at her church at different times. Karen saw one of them at the mass, and then approached the person after church was over. After they talked, the couple agreed to speak to Karen that evening in their home. After telling the couple of the many signs and miracles that had occurred, Karen told the couple she was in need of financial help. The couple asked what amount of financial help she was in need of. Karen then shared that she needed $360,000.00 in three days. The couple asked for a few minutes to talk by themselves. When Karen reentered the room they gave her a check for $360,000.00. Karen was amazed by God’s glory!


In Gods Perfect Timing

In March of 2019 the Holy Spirit told Karen she was to purchase the property adjacent to the Do Good building that was being built. A business called “Betty’s Natural Foods” sat on this property. The Holy Spirit told Karen she was to purchase the property and take down the building that currently sat on the property. The Holy Spirit said the Children’s Memorial Splash Park that would go there was larger than Karen knew and that God wanted it to be seen from the road, which could only happen if this new property was purchased and taken down. The Spirit went on to say the owner of this property would buy the “old Mueller lot” across the street and would put his business there. The Holy Spirit said God would bless the man 10 fold for doing this—for putting God’s will above his own. The Spirit then said a parking lot was to be put in the front part of this property. Karen did not want to do this, as she was already feeling overwhelmed with all she was currently doing. Karen was to ask the man before she took a planned trip to California just two weeks away. Karen argued with the Holy Spirit but finally approached the man four days before she was to leave. (During this time Karen kept praying, asking the Lord to soften this man’s heart, to make him agreeable to sell his property, as Karen could see no financial benefit for the man.) Karen went to the man’s place of business and asked the man if they could talk, that it was something from the Holy Spirit. They went into a back private area and Karen then said, “You hear the Holy Spirit right?” The man shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well maybe a little.” Karen then said, “Did He tell you anything lately? Anything at all?” The man then said, “Well this sounds crazy, but I had a dream, well not a dream, but a vision. You need to buy my property, because the splash park that will go behind it is bigger than you think, and God wants people to see it from the road. I’m supposed to build across the street in the “old Mueller lot” and then you need to put a parking lot here.” Both Karen and the man stared at one another, and then he said that he would talk to his wife, and they would then let Karen know of their decision. He messaged Karen while she was in California that they were agreeable to sell. They met shortly after Karen returned. During that meeting the man said, “I know why you had to ask me before you left.” Karen said, “Why?” because she wondered about the urgency since the man already knew and was agreeable. He said he talked with a couple of the town council members a few days after the initial meeting between him and Karen, and he and the council made a verbal agreement to purchase the “old Mueller lot.” He was told just a few days after he made the verbal agreement that another man had came to the town of Osgood and had wanted to buy the “old Mueller lot” property and put up apartments. If Karen had waited to talk to him until she returned from her trip, the property would have already been sold to the other man. There was no other place that he would have been able to rebuild his business, so he would not have been able to sell his property to Karen.

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