All tips given the month of March will be donated to the Andrea Kittel family of Anna. Andrea is 41 years old and works as a teacher at the Hardin-Houston Elementary School. She is married to Ken, and they have four children: Tucker (9), Emery (7), Myla (5), and Lincoln (3). In 2020, Andrea was diagnosed with breast cancer. She started experiencing heart failure which resulted in the discontinuation of her preventative treatments. She tried several treatments that have been unsuccessful, and is currently trying an oral chemo treatment. She is praying that this brings her healing. The breast cancer has metastasized into her liver and bones. She receives an infusion every three weeks but it has caused her heart failure a few times resulting in delayed treatment. Andrea enjoys traveling, playing cards, and spending time with family and friends. Let us keep the Kittel family in our daily prayers. Your generous tip will help cover their ongoing medical bills. Thank you and God bless!
March 2023
