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Tip of the Month Recipient | Dan Jacobs Family

All tips given the month of July will be donated to the Dan Jacobs family of Fort Loramie. Dan is married to Jennifer and father to four children: Samantha (17), Alexis (15), Ryan (13), and Renee (13). At the age of 13 Dan battled and overcame a cancerous brain tumor. Now at the age of 46, he is in another battle against cancer. While he was working as a janitor at the Fort Loramie schools, he began feeling ill and in February 2022, he was diagnosed with a large brain tumor behind his ear and on his jugular. In March, he had surgery where they opened his skull and removed what they could of the brain tumor. Unfortunately, the tumor was branching in the brain, and could not remove all of the tumor without causing brain damage, and a portion of his skull was left open because the bone in that area was diseased. In April, he had surgery to replace the missing piece of the skull. Because of the danger a surgery by the jugular would present, the doctors will first attempt to shrink the tumor in that area with radiation beginning this July. His favorite hobbies include hunting, fishing, and most of all, spending time with his family. Let us keep the Jacobs family in our daily prayers. Your generous tip will help cover their medical bills. Thank you and God bless!

July 2022

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