All tips given the month of October will be donated to the Eva and Beatrice (Bea) Stammen family of St. Henry. Eva (22) and Bea (13) are children of Bob Stammen and Amy Stammen. Their siblings include Grace, Paul, Cora, and Daniel. Eva graduated valedictorian from The Modern in Kettering May 2022, and Bea is currently a seventh grader at St. Henry Middle School.
Eva and Bea are sisters who have more in common than most siblings do as they both have been diagnosed with a non-curable disorder that slows or stops the movemeant of food from their stomaches throughout their digestive systems called gastroparesis. The girls fight chronic nausea, stomach reconstructions, constipation, and life-threatening bowel obstructions that have resulted in care-flights and countless ambulance transports to Children’s Hospital. There have been long stays at the hospital, and some where they have been hospitalized together with rooms next to each other. Both girls’ side effects can come on suddenly and unexpectedly. They have missed a lot of normalities and milestones in their lives, but pray that someday there will be a cure for them and those who have similar conditions.
Eva was diagnosed as an infant and has had over 10 complicated surgeries due to her illness. Eva fought very hard to graduate from school and get her art degree. There were times that she was discharged for a few hours from the hospital to attend class (although she was weak and sick), and then went back to the hospital. Perseverance and faith has allowed Eva to be where she is today, and as a strong advocate for children with chronic illnesses her goal is to bring awareness to children who struggle with chronic illness through her art.
When Bea was an infant she would projectile vomit when trying to eat food, and by age of three she had a Gtube placed in for nutrition. Over the years she has dealt with a lot of nausea and vomiting. Over the past few months the doctors at Nationwide have been working to figure out treatments that work best for her, and she will have surgery again this fall. She still has a tough road ahead of her, but remains grateful and optimistic.
Eva is artistic and loves to do things were she can be creative. She is an entrepreneur and has her own Etsy store and website where she can be creative. When she can, she likes to travel and swim for exercise. Bea is also very talented creatively and loves to express herself through art. This year she joined the cross country team and enjoys the dedication and social aspects of the sport. She also loves to spend time with family and friends. Let us keep the Stammen family in our daily prayers. Your generous tip will help cover their ongoing medical bills. Thank you and God bless!
October 2022
