All tips given the month of February will be donated to the Charlotte Watercutter family of Minster. Charlotte was born to Ben and Ashley in April of 2020. Charlotte was born at 27 weeks, 1 day gestation. She was 1 pound 9 ounces and 13.5 inches long. Charlotte was born at Miami Valley Hospital and has been in the NICU ever since. She has Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) which is the name for lung issues that arise due to prematurity and being on a ventilator. She stayed at Miami Valley Hospital as long as she could. In August it was decided that Charlotte needed to be moved to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. She is currently in their BPD unit. She has a trach, gtube, and is on ventilator support. Charlotte’s lungs still need to grow and develop new tissue so that she can be slowly weaned off the vent and be able to come home. Ashley had to leave her job so she can be involved with Charlotte’s therapies and care, and has been staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Ben travels to Columbus as much as possible to be there with them. There are no clear answers on when Charlotte might be able to come home. She is making great progress and her outlook is good. Let us keep the Watercutter family in our daily prayers. Your generous tip will help cover their medical bills. Thank you and God bless!
February 2021